
欢迎来到我们部门. 紧急医疗服务

EMS系为学生在紧急医疗服务部门的职业生涯做好准备. To meet the expanding role of prehospital providers, the department offers three certificate 程序s, EMT, AEMT and 护理人员, as well as a Minor in 紧急医疗服务, 紧急医疗服务理学学士学位和医学科学学士学位 专业健康科学. EMS部门努力准备合格的入门级 急救医疗技术员-护理人员的认知(知识),精神运动 (skills), and affective (behavior) learning domains, with or without exit points at 高级EMT和/或紧急医疗技术员-基础. 无论你是学生 enrolled at the 十大玩彩信誉平台, someone who would like more information about our certificate 程序s, our minor 程序 or our bachelor’s degree 程序s, 感谢您的光临. 我们希望你收到你正在寻找的信息. However, if you have questions that remain unanswered, or would prefer to speak with a faculty or staff member in person, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.




的 Department's EMT certificate 程序 prepares students for careers in pre-hospital emergency medicine and enables graduates of the 程序 to work as emergency medical technicians (EMT's) in a variety of 设置s, such as fire departments and public 私人救护车服务. 该课程可以在一个学期内完成.


的 Department’s 先进的EMT certificate 程序 prepares students for careers in pre-hospital emergency medicine and enables graduates of the 程序 to work as Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians (AEMT’s) in a variety of 设置s, such as fire departments 以及公共和私人救护车服务. 这个项目必须是学术性的 信贷学生. 该课程可以在一个学期内完成.


的 Department’s 护理人员 certificate 程序 prepares students for careers in pre-hospital emergency medicine and enables graduates to be employed as field paramedics in a variety of 设置s, such as fire-rescue departments, private ambulance services and aero-medical 服务,仅举几例. 该课程可以在三到四个学期内完成, 取决于学生想要的课程负荷. 先进的EMT是先决条件 程序.


紧急医疗服务系提供紧急医疗服务辅修课程。. 这个程序 本科辅修是否至少有24个学分.


的 Department of EMS offers the Bachelor's of Science degree in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for students interested in a career in pre-hospital medicine and EMS 管理. 随着EMS领域的不断发展和变化,领导者和教育者 with a background in emergency medicine are needed to help shape the future of pre-hospital 医药和保健. 本课程旨在帮助学生为临床工作做好准备 and administrative challenges of a career in 紧急医疗服务 and healthcare 在21世纪.


的 Department of EMS offers the Bachelor’s of Science degree in 专业 Health Sciences (PHS) for those students who want to have a well-rounded background in health 科学,但不希望追求特定的专业学位. 这个项目也 allows students in pre-professional 程序s that change their major from specific 专业学位可以将大部分课程学分用于该学位. 的 小灵通计划提供了广泛的信息,在卫生相关学科以及 作为健康信息学和/或管理. 这个项目的毕业生应该很适合 to work in hospitals, long-term care facilities, health insurance companies, and physicians’ offices; as well as becoming pharmaceutical reps, medical supply reps, hospital managers’ 助理和更多. 他们也可以攻读MPA,进入医院管理部门 还有很多其他领域.




Our Department is proud of its more than 50-year tradition of educating EMT’s, Advanced 急救人员和护理人员. 我们的学生接受教学,实验室和临床教育 在急救和院前医疗的各个方面. 涵盖的地区 in our education 程序s include, but are not limited to, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Pediatric Advanced Life Support, Prehospital Trauma Patient Management, Advanced Medical 病人管理和高级气道管理. 高级推理和批判性 思考融入了我们教育项目的方方面面.

Our 护理人员 graduates are highly sought and actively recruited by employers because 他们拥有深入的知识和精细的临床技能. 公营及私营 EMS providers and fire and rescue services from across the country often call to inquire 十大玩彩信誉平台我们的高技能和多能力的毕业生.

Bachelor Degree graduates are well trained in Hospital and Emergency Management skills 并且经常获得医疗保健管理和行政方面的职位. 专业 Health Science students have two exciting tracks that they can choose from; Healthcare Management and Informatics, which qualifies them to compete for opportunities at every 医院或医疗办公室内的级别.

Our faculty members provide a wealth of knowledge and experience to help you achieve 你的学业和职业目标. 他们努力提供友好,个人和鼓励 atmosphere where you can learn how to care for patients in an emergency and out-of-hospital 设置.


十大玩彩信誉平台的紧急医疗服务护理人员项目是 由联合健康教育项目认证委员会认证 (www.caahep.org)根据教育评审委员会的建议 紧急医疗服务专业项目(CoAEMSP).



的 Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE) and the Alabama Department of Public Health Office of EMS have recognized and approved the 十大玩彩信誉平台 护理人员计划. 该计划具有良好的信誉,并完全符合所有 认证和授权机构.  十大玩彩信誉平台是经过认证的 by the 南ern Association of 学院和学校 Commission on 大学 (SACS COC).

的 following chart reflects the Department of EMS Education’s three-year student 成功的平均报告给我们的认证机构,CoAEMSP.


部门. 紧急医疗服务
一年 国家注册
2022 92.3% 100% 81.3% 92.3%
2021 100% 100% 73.3% 100%
2020 82.4% 94% 70.8% 82.4%
3年平均值 91.6% 98% 74.1% 91.6%


成功ful completion of the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT), and 护理人员 程序s qualify graduates to take the following 阿拉巴马州执照和国家认证考试:

  • 国家紧急医疗技术人员注册(NREMT) EMT认知考试.
  • 高级EMT认知测验.
  • 护理人员认知测试.


的 Department of Education requires compliance with state regulations of any state in which the 十大玩彩信誉平台 provides distance education for students. To facilitate this compliance with state regulations, USA has joined the National 国家授权互惠协议委员会(NC-SARA). NC-SARA允许美国 to offer distance education in 49 states plus the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, 和美国.S. 维尔京群岛(加州不是SARA州). 美国农业部 紧急医疗服务 EMS certificate 程序 meets all professional licensure or certification requirements in the 49 SARA states except for the state of New York.