


“I believe that giving to the USA 工程学院 is a wonderful opportunity 帮助学生支付学费.  有时它会帮助弱势学生 pay their tuition; sometimes it assists in recruiting some of the brightest students; and sometimes it allows the college to purchase extra equipment required to demonstrate 为学生设计的工程理论.  但从长远来看,这是为了学生 and how prepared they will be to advance the state of engineering in the state of 阿拉巴马和世界.  如果我们都尽我们所能,一切都会好起来的.——佩里 A. 一方面,P.E. & P.L.S.


USA’s 工程学院 strives to provide students with high-quality and accessible 本科和研究生工程教育. 这是我们能做的方法之一 这可能是通过奖学金的支持. 我们可以通过奖学金招人 and retain highly motivated students and provide them with opportunities to achieve 他们的教育目标.

Supporting existing scholarships or creating new scholarships is a chance to invest in a 十大玩彩信誉平台 student and the future of the engineering industry. 的re are a variety of options available to donors who wish to support student scholarships. A one-time gift can be given or an endowment can be created to ensure your gift continues 永远支持我们的学生. 最低捐赠1万美元将建立一个 冠名奖学基金. 这样的礼物可以通过延期付款来支付 在一段时间内.

To view a list of current scholarships, click here, and choose 工程学院. 

At the University’s 50th anniversary celebration, Abraham Mitchell announced the 米切尔-莫尔顿奖学金计划 as a $25 million matching challenge to honor late 总统 Emeritus V. 戈登·默尔顿. This dollar-for-dollar matching program for undergraduate endowed scholarships was created to expand opportunities for current and future USA students by providing them 获得负担得起的大学教育. 这次竞选将使我们在 our current base of scholarship support, propelling USA to a nationally competitive 水平. It also serves as an invitation to USA alumni, friends, and community partners to have a lasting impact on the University and its students.
  • 证券 - Giving stocks, bonds or mutual funds that have increased in value may help you 减少税收,节约现金.
  • 退休计划分配 - 的se assets can be a practical resource for charitable gifts now or in your long-range 房地产计划.
  • 人寿保险单 - Using life insurance for gifts to 十大玩彩信誉平台 can be a convenient 这是一份有效避税的礼物.
  • 房地产 - An often overlooked resource, real estate can be an excellent way to make a meaningful gift that could enhance your income or generate tax savings.
  • 其他价值项目 珠宝、艺术品、收藏品、古董、汽车等.)
  • 了解更多信息,请浏览 http://usalegacy.org/ or contact the Development and 校友 Relations Office at (251) 460-7032 or development@1718114.net.
In 2012 USA’s 工程学院 moved to Shelby Hall – a 155,000 square foot 作为校园基石的建筑. 这个最先进的设施 offers classroom and laboratory space, multimedia classrooms, faculty offices, and 会议室. 的re are several opportunities to name the rooms in Shelby Hall. Plaques are displayed outside of each room to pay tribute to donors and leave a lasting 遗产.
▼   Undergraduate Laboratory Equipment and Classroom Support

工程和技术的世界是不断变化的. 为了准备我们的 students for their professional careers, we strive to have laboratory and classroom experiences that are state-of-the-art and mirror what is happening in the engineering 课堂之外的专业. 除了为我们现有的学生做准备, our laboratory and classroom spaces help us recruit high-quality undergraduate and 研究生. Your financial support for our laboratories and classrooms makes an immediate impact on our students and the future of engineering.

今天给予,选择 工程实验室设备计划.


We sincerely appreciate your interest in investing in the 工程学院 and assisting future engineering professionals in pursuing their dreams. 的 发展及校友关系办公室 致力于帮助你实现你的目标. 请浏览 开发网站 or contact our College Development Specialist to explore your giving options.




诊所路650号,TRP III, 1500室
移动,艾尔。. 36688
(251) 460-6630