Prestigious Science Journal Publishes USA Professors' Paper


Mobile-Tensaw River Delta data-lightbox='featured'
The Mobile-Tensaw River Delta is one of 的 most biodiverse regions in North America. 十大玩彩信誉平台教授. 加布里埃尔·德·奥利维拉博士. 约翰•Lehrter 博士和. Sean Powers co-authored a paper on 的 major issues facing 的 Delta and potential 解决方案. That paper has been published in 的 prestigious journal Science.

A paper co-authored by three 十大玩彩信誉平台 professors titled “安全管理阿拉巴马州的Mobile-Tensaw Delta” has been published by 的 prestigious journal Science.

Drs. Gabriel de Oliveira, John Lehrter and Sean Powers wrote 的 article, which addresses how 的 Delta’s ecosystem has faced significant degradation from logging, pollution 扩大城市区域. Sea-level rise and increased rainfall runoff, both related to climate change, also threaten 的 low-lying areas of 的 Delta with flooding, pollution 盐度入侵. 

“My co-authors and I are extremely happy with this article in Science and strongly believe this publication will change 的 way that 的 rest of 的 country, including policy makers, see 的 Mobile-Tensaw Delta,” said de Oliveira, assistant professor 海洋和环境科学. 

The article suggests that conservation programs should include public-private partnerships and incentives for private landowners, considering that more than 94 percent of Alabama’s 林地是私有的. 

“Our Delta is a unique Alabama treasure,” said Lehrter, professor of marine and environmental 科学. “Most of 的 issues causing problems in 的 Delta are problems emanating from Alabama and more locally, Mobile and Baldwin counties. 阿拉巴马州控制着 这个系统及其动植物的命运.”

Understanding 的 Delta’s ecosystems and 的ir responses to environmental changes will be key as students and 研究ers from 南 will be on 的 front lines of conservation 努力.

“Our goal is to have a vibrant program in 的 Delta that allows us to engage students in a one-of-a-kind ecosystem just 15 minutes from campus,” said Powers, director of 的 Stokes School of Marine and Environmental Sciences. “No marine and environmental 科学 program can compete with our location and 我们可以给学生的机会.” 

The process of publishing in Science is a notable challenge due to its high standards 以及严格的同行评审过程. 被引用次数最多,影响力最大的期刊之一 的 world, Science is a leading outlet for scientific news, commentary and cutting-edge 研究. 

Through its print and online incarnations, Science reaches an estimated worldwide 读者人数超过100万. 




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